6 elements |
2021 | |
24.6 x 9 x 1 ft. | |
mirror, motor, stainkess steel, aluminum, gear, bearing and etc | |
W: 750 H: 270 H: 30 (cm) | |
鏡、モーター、ステンレス、アルミニウム、ギア、ベアリング、ミクストメディア |
photo by Kabo | ||
photo by Soichiro Suizu | ||
photo by Soichiro Suizu | ||
solo show, All After Human at HARUKAITO by island, Tokyo (2021) |
In the year 2020, New York City had come to a complete halt. The surge in COVID patients occupied medical workers and beds, as a result the hospital function was paralyzed. Trucks loaded with refrigerated containers for laying down the dead bodies were parked beside many of the hospitals. Unfortunately, I was infected with COVID-19 in early time. I gave up on going to the hospital and slept at home with praying that I would not get seriously ill. When I recovered enough to go outside, I took a look at the city. There were no cars on the streets and there was silence in the daytime of this city. There were no stores open except for the supermarket and pharmacy. The neighborhood park was also closed. As I walked through the empty streets, I imagined a world after humans had disappeared (All After Human).
2020年、ニューヨークの街は完全に停止していた。コロナの影響で病院はごった返しあっという間に病床は足りなくなった。処理は追いつかず犠牲者の遺体は冷凍トラックに詰められた。折しも初期にコロナに感染した僕は病院へ行くことを諦め、ただ重症化しないことを祈りつつ家で眠り続けた。外に出れるほど回復し街の様子を見てみる。ストリートに車はなくこの街の昼間に静寂があった。スーパーマーケットと薬局以外空いていなかった。近所の公園も閉鎖されていた。ひと気のない街を歩きながら僕は人間のいなくなった後の世界(All After Human)を想像した。